Welcome to the home of the great clan of [BTF]

          "A treehouse clan with a keg"

BTR here for

Brothers of Tru Racing



Main Forums

All Members

About Us

Joining the Family

Thank You for your interest in joining the BTF family.

Whether you've been invited or are seeking to join on your own you will first need to read over the rules for joining.

Once you've read and understood our code of conduct you will need to post your intentions in our main forums under "Meet Clan BTF".

You can get there by clicking the pic below.

 Once there please tell us a little about yourself, i.e. who you are, what games you play, what members you know, who invited you (if applicable), etc . . .

Thank You and we hope to see you on the forums.



New Recruits - Rules for joining BTF


We are an FFA based clan with an interest in FUN FOR ALL over winning or being the best.

1. Never use a hack against an opponent or on a public server. If its found you have hacked in such a manner while a member of BTF, you will be removed from the clan.

2. Have a good, positive attitude. Refrain from trash talk, even when provoked. This includes in game and on forums. While wearing the [BTF] tag, the words you use are representative to all who wear the tag, so be considerate of that fact.

3. Council Members will be responsible for voting on all ideas about any changes in the clan, including: new members, rules, new Council Members, etc. Votes must pass by unanimous consent. Council Members must be active, easily reachable, and committed to the daily stewardship of the clan.

4. Multi-Clanning is not allowed. We are a brotherhood, not a team. If you want to set up a team with non-clan-members, you will have to use a new/different tag.

1. Never act in a dishonorable or negative way. Do not engage in verbal attacks. DO NOT USE ANY NEGATIVE BINDS.

2. Check into the message board daily if you can make the time, but weekly minimum please.

3. Download and use irc or noname script: http://www.nnscript.de/ Connect to the Server Enterthegame and Idle in #btf and/or #tastyspleen while you are gaming so others may contact you and you can contact them.

4. New recruits must be sponsored by a Council Member. The recruit will pass through an introductory period of 30 days while a vote by Council Members takes place. The vote must be unanimous, and votes can be changed any time during the 30 day introductory period. While in the recruit introductory period, you may wear a [btf] tag.
Council Members are:
Mangy Mutt
Dead Beat

FRAG IN LOVE AND FUN!! emoticon emoticon emoticon